Hey Girl....all is good in the world again :)

OK, seriously, this Hey Girl site totally makes my day a little brighter.

Seriously.  It rocks.

Here are a few of my favorites:

Who doesn't just swoon over Ryan Gosling?

Need more?
I thought so.

Love them.  That man gets better with age. 

So, remember my last post when I was somewhat complaining?  I'm so sorry.  It was probably one of the worst days. Really.  Had a major melt-down that night, but I'm better now.

What's even better is this news:  MATH STATIONS WORKED!  This is what I'm using from Clutter-Free Classroom:

Now, I know it's only been two days, and by next week I'll probably throw out the plan and start with something new again.  OK, maybe I'll stick with it for at least 2 weeks.  I'm so thrilled, you have no idea.  Thanks for all of the encouraging comments.  It helped.

I'm so happy with it, that I think I'm going to use the CFC's idea of the acronym MATH and use it for literacy with the acronym READ.  When I get that all figured out, I'll come back and show you how it's going and probably offer some freebies to go with it. 

Stick around and have a great Friday!  TGIF!!!


  1. Loved seeing your photos of Ryan..he is dreamy! LOL, can't wait to see how it goes.......thanks for the update!

  2. I love the Hey Girl! I hadn't see the one about getting everything done in 30 minutes. It made me laugh!

    I printed some out and hung them up in our teacher areas. Hardly anyone knows who did it, but its the talk of the teachers. haha!

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  3. Hey Girl Teacher is just too funny. I've added a picture to the sidebar of my blog just so I can see Ryan every day.

    Cannot wait for more!!

    I love Amber P's idea of hanging some up in the staff room... haha sneaky! :)

    Much love xx

    Daydreams of a Student Teacher

  4. Thanks for sharing the Math Rotation link. I bought it today and printed it all out and got it all set up, ready to go on my bulletin board first thing int he morning. I wish I could find one just like it for reading, It is SO cute and now my reading rotation board is going to be boring in comparison.
