Reading Rotations

I've been as pleased as punch with my Math Rotations.  I've been implementing this "way of teaching" now for about a month and feel like I've worked out the kinks.  Mostly.

If you want to know about why I tackled math first, read THIS post.

Basically, I thought that if I could master math rotations first {'cause, let's face it, teaching math is easier}, then I'd begin to wrap my brain around Reading Rotations.

So, now for reading:

I use a variation of the Daily 5.  I want all of my students reading independently each day, working on the skill for the week, and working on grammar.  So, I decided that I needed to come up with an acronym for reading just like my acronym for math rotations.

This is what I came up with that is working for me:

Read with the Teacher

Enrichment (Station)

At your Seat

Daily Oral Language/ Read-to-Self

Here's how I break it up for each rotation.  First of all, I teach a mini-lesson before rotations begin on the skill for the week.  This past week, for example, was on idioms.  Then rotations begin.  I have my students grouped by their MAP data. 
Each group comes to me during "Read with the Teacher".  This is when I teach my guided reading lesson.

During "Enrichment" students work at a station that they need to complete for their weekly notebook check.  {Each week, they must visit Word Work, Poetry, Read to Partner and Read to Self}.  They must have a reflection in their notebook from that station. 

During "At Your Seat" students are completing an assignment related to the skill of the week.  For example, this week, they were creating posters of idioms. 

During "Daily Oral Language/ Read-to-Self" students are completing the Daily Language Review page shown on the Smart Board.  Since this does not take the total 15 minutes, they then work on their reading reflection letter to me.  This is a letter that the students write each week reflecting on what they have read.  In this letter, they must include at least three thinking stems that show a connection to their reading.  {They are NOT simply giving me a summary of the story.}

I wish I had taken a picture on Friday before I left of how it is hung in the classroom.  I will do that on Monday and show you, visually, how it works.  {That works better for me, so I'm sure it will work better for many others, too.}

This is what one of the pages looks like from my TpT and TN store...head on over there if you want more info, too:

I'll show you better on Monday how to put it into action.  I just wanted to get this up to share because I've had a few questions about it. 

Which leads me to why it has taken me so long to post this...Clip Art.  Ah, the drama of "what to do"!  I think I want to purchase a license from Scrappin' Doodles, but I'm not sure which one I need to purchase!  I'd like my little people to be cuter on this board {not that these guys aren't adorable, right?}. Ideally, I'd like to purchase the license from Thistle Girl Designs, but my husband would probably kill me.  So, back to Scrappin' I need to purchase the license for TpT and TN if I plan on posting an item on both?  Which license should I get???  I'm so confused.  I've tried looking around at all of the blogs that have the little license button but I can't figure out which license it it the web one, a store one?  Help, please!!


  1. My practicum does a similar version of what it sounds like you are doing and it works GREAT! I love hearing about how other teacher do reading rotations- THANKS!

    Sparkles, Smiles, and Student Teaching

  2. If you are posting free stuff I think you have to purchase the license for both of them. You can post freebies on your blog if you have license for that. If you're selling an item you don't have to have a separate license as long as you provide credit. Does all that make sense?

  3. What sort of activities do you include in your enrichment station?
