More Multiplication and a Giveaway Soon!

We have been plugging along with multiplication.  We have completed most of the foldables in the Multiplication Lapbook that I shared with you last week.

The kiddos are really rocking this unit.  I'm hoping that the test on Friday proves it :)

Tomorrow, I am introducing the task cards that I have created to go in their math tubs next week.  I'll be introducing them in small groups so that next week when they find them in their tubs, they will know exactly what to do.

Here's a look-see:

There are 24 task cards included.  The task cards are written in the "Common Core" gobbledygook wording.  You know, like "Susie is 5 years old.  Her mother is 8 times older than Susie.  How old is Susie's mom?"  Or, "72 is 8 times as many as ________."  The idea is that students not only know their facts, but also how the inverse operation applies. You know, that whole "number sense" concept.  It's so original.

I've also created an assessment sheet to go with it using the same questions on the task cards (just as a back-up if I need a "grade").  These task cards are in my TPT store.  Click {here} to check them out.

However, I will give away 3 copies to the first three people who answer the following question correctly:

Who is my favorite singer?

But before you go.............I'm going to be giving away one of these soon:

Yep, that's the happy little laminator that is becoming my BFF :)

Stay tuned...I'm waiting to reach 950 followers.  What? When did that happen????

OK, wanna win those task cards?

Ready, set, go!


  1. Josh Groban. (I saw him on Glee and had to google him. Sad but true. I must be living under a rock.)

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Josh Groban! And I am going to have to download that lapbook soon. Love itttt!

    -Caitlyn (
    Fourth Grade Lemonade

  4. Aw, man! I thought I was third! Og weel,I still love your stuff :)

  5. Josh Groban- I love hinm too. I saw him in concert twice. I want to be his mother...ha ha. BTW---I love your stuff-

  6. I love that you said gobbletygook. ;) I LOVE the laminator. Mine just broke :( So I will be waiting anxiously for the giveaway (which I am sure will be soon!!)

    Teaching in Room 6

  7. I am so psyched for your bloggy success and your upcoming giveaway!! My laminator has been making some funny grinding noises lately and every time I use it, I plead with it, "please don't die this time!!!". Needless to say, I will be entering for a chance to win :)

  8. Daaarn... why am I just seeing this now?! Gah.. oh well.. Love it!!!


  9. Darn!! I knew it was Josh Groban! I should've been quicker!

    These are awesome!

