Optimum Organization {June 29}

Yikes, writing the 29th hurt a little. Did it hurt you to read it?

Welcome to this week's party!  Kristen and I hope that you have been finding some good ideas along the link-up way :)

If you'd like to link up with us, grab the button above and share either an organizational idea or an organizational find.  You can join the party on Kristen's blog or mine...it's all the same party so come on over!
Now on to my ideas for the week.

This week, I have an organizational find for you.  I'm considering it an organizational find because it is going to help keep my small group table more organized and less cluttered.  I found these babies at Ikea.  I've told you how much I'm in love with that store, haven't I?

This is the Marius Stool from Ikea and Kristen has shared her love for this stool before.  I took her advice and bought three of them when I was at Ikea last weekend.  I only bought three because I still have 5 of the storage boxes I bought last year.  My groups ended up being larger than I expected (6-7 in some groups) and there is just.not.enough.room for even one.more.storage.box like the one below:

That's really my second organizational tip.  They kind of go together, right?  I love these storage boxes.  They came from Hobby Lobby and I bought them for $20 a piece when they went 50% off last summer.  I think I bought two a week each time they went on sale so I could spread the spending out a little...hehe.  Anyway, let me tell you how much I also LOVE these.  I wanted to create the cute crate seats like everyone else, but for $20 a piece, these seemed like a great compromise to the ever-growing-to-do-list that I had last summer.  (By the way, the same to-do list is growing this summer, too. Does anyone know how to stop it from growing?)

Now, how is it an organizational tip? It's a storage box, duh.  But here's the tip:

On the first day of school when every kid (we hope) comes with all of their school supplies (I'd die and go to heaven if that completely happened...but let's face reality), I stuff all of the "extra" supplies in a 2-gallon Ziploc bag that has already been labeled with the student's name and dump them in those storage boxes. {I dump the supplies, not the kids in the storage box...I should rework that sentence above, but I'm lazy.} Once things settle down (around October...just kidding), we explore the "extra" supplies and put them neatly away in cubbies, bins, etc.  That first day of school is hectic enough without having to deal with school supply overload, right?

Well, there you have it, my two tips for this week.  Won't you join us?

Link up below!  I can't wait to read more of what you all are finding/doing to stay/get organized!  Thanks everyone for joining us :)

Throwback Thursday, Bloglovin' and Ashley's Giveaway

First on the list is Throwback Thursday!  I love the idea of this linky.  Cara Carroll from The First Grade Parade {love her...by the way, head over and wish her a Happy Anniversary}, created this linky to revisit some old posts.  I love this idea.  I'm enjoying reading some posts from blogs that I follow that I might have missed during the busy school year (or even from the year before)...

Here's my post from 4/25/12...over a year ago....but it explains how I run Math Workshop.  Now, I have tweaked this program in my room quite a bit since this post, but the structure is pretty much the same.  My classroom is ever evolving, isn't yours?  So, here you go....

When I saw that my idol, Laura Candler, was having a link up on Math Stations I was so very excited.

As some of you may know, I've completely changed the way I teach math this year.  For years (a decade or more...shhhh don't tell), I've been teaching math primarily whole group with a few small groups as needed.

This year, however, I started Math Rotations.  I will NEVER go back.  Here's how I make it work for me:

First, I found the Math Rotations Board from Clutter-Free Classroom.  It uses the acronym MATH for organizing how your "rotate" from one activity to the next.  {You know how I love those acronyms.}

M-Math Facts 
A-At Your Seat
T-Teacher's Choice
H-Hands On

Here's a picture of my board (purchased from Clutter-Free Classroom):

Let me break down what we do at each "station".
Math Facts- This is where I have my students work on Math 4 Today.  This is a daily drill that is spiraled curriculum reviewing all fourth grade skills.  There are only 4 questions to complete, so when they are finished with that, they start their At Your Seat Work.
At Your Seat- This is where my students complete the Independent Practice from the math book.  However, this is the work from the previous day's small group work.  So, for example in the picture above, my students were completing lesson 16-5.  I had taught 16-5 the day BEFORE in the Teacher's Choice Station.
Teacher's Choice- This is my small group instruction time.  My students are grouped into 4 different groups based on their ability (mainly their MAP testing data with a little teacher judgement thrown in there, too).  Again, I teach the lesson that the students will be completing the NEXT day during their "At Your Seat" station.  So, in the picture above, I was teaching 16-6.  Make sense?
Hands On- This is what most think of as real "Stations" or "Centers".  I use this time to have my students work with a variety of materials.  As you can see on the board above, I am lucky enough to have 3 iPods.  One is from the school, one is my son's old iPod and the last one is my iPhone-Yes, I let my students use it for stations-gasp!  I also have math sharks (electronic flashcards), Hot Dots and other "hands-on" materials. 

I differentiate their hands on work, too.  For example, this week, we are using the iPods and I have downloaded an App called "Math Testing Prep".  These are leveled.  So, I hand the iPod to the children after clicking on the level for that child.  When using the Hot Dots, I have three different levels for those, too.  I've separated them by level and put them in index card accordian file (like for coupons) that I got from the Target Dollar Bin...love that Dollar Bin.  (Sorry that I don't have a picture for that.)

As you can see in the picture above, each group (Group 1, Group 2, Group 3, Group 4) all rotate through all stations during each math lesson.  For example, using the picture above, Group 1 will go to stations in this order:
1st-Math Facts
2-Teacher's Choice
3-At Your Seat
4-Hands On

This has worked for me.  Now, I will tell you it took about a month of tweaking to make it work the way it does now...but I stuck with it and am so glad that I did!

For my most recent hands-on activity, my students created this foldable to help them with probability:

Click on the picture to download it from Google Docs.

If you haven't linked up yet, head on over to Corkboard Connections by clicking on her linky button below:

There you have it!  I hope that you can use some of the ideas from this old post.

Next up, have you switched to Bloglovin' yet?  Click on this link {here} to go to yesterday's post about how to follow me there and possibly win 2 items from my TpT store!

And finally, have you heard about Ashley's Awesome Giveaway (yep, I just titled the event).  If you haven't...you must check this out.  Today, I'm a part of the upper grade math giveaway.  Click on the image below to head over to The School Supply Addict blog and enter to win!  She has a ton of freebies and items up for grabs.  You don't want to miss out :)

Show Us Some Bloglovin' Giveaway!

You have probably heard by now that Google Reader is going away on July 1st.  Well, Google Reader may be going away, but I sure hope YOU don't go away!  I hope that you will consider following my blog through bloglovin!  I know that change is hard...so several of my blog friends thought we might sweeten it up for you a little bit!

Several bloggers are doing a giveaway for all of our fabulous followers that take the leap and switch over to bloglovin'.  And I thought I would join them!  You may have already switched over.  In that case, this will be an easy entry!

If you have not yet switched or are not following my blog through bloglovin', then there are a few easy steps to follow.  You can go to my sidebar (that's the column on the right over there that shows my followers) and you can click the button that says Follow this Blog with bloglovin'.  Or, you can go into the Rafflecopter below and click the link in the first entry, and that will take you to my blog on bloglovin'.

You will need to set up an account with bloglovin' so that you can follow me.  Please be sure to leave your bloglovin' username in the Rafflecopter entry.  Then, go to this post on bloglovin' and "like" it.

If you want to go ahead and move all of the blogs you follow from Google over, you can go to this link and it will take you through the super easy steps.  BUT, please go to my bloglovin' link and make sure that you are following me through bloglovin'.  To be sure, make sure that the blue button at the top of my bloglovin' page has been clicked (it should be gray with the word following- if it's blue, please click it to follow!)

So, if you follow me by bloglovin, please enter this giveaway!!  I will be picking 2 WINNERS and each winner will get their choice of 2 UNITS FROM MY TpT STORE!

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
get the InLinkz code

Rock N' Learn DVDs on Educents

A few months ago, I shared the start of Educents, a "Groupon-like" website just for education {here}.  If you haven't heard of it, you might want to check it out (click on the picture below):

A few weeks ago, I was contacted to review a set of DVDs and I am so glad that I said yes!
Last year, we decided to start the year reviewing multiplication fact fluency.  Several of my students told me about a video their third grade teacher had used to help them learn their facts.  I even borrowed the video for a few days to help.  It was a good video, but I think I found a replacement.  No, scratch that, I KNOW that I found a replacement:
We will start the year with the Multiplication Rap DVD and move from there to the other two DVDs.  I am a firm believer in teaching with music.  I have learned that using music helps students make better connections to prior knowledge and it helps with memory.  Several times throughout the year, I would see my students singing songs that I had taught them while they were completing a test to help them recall how to complete a math problem.  Music works!  It's like that catchy little jingle you can't get out of your head.  But with education embedded within.  Score!

Look at that funky little hamster on the front cover of the two rap videos!  I mean, who wouldn't watch that? There are 12 different rap songs included on the multiplication video and all are very engaging.  There is a ten minute video that explains how multiplication is like a personal magic show and gives great visuals of what happens when numbers are multiplied.  I think I will introduce my unit with this brief video.
The rest of the DVD is filled with the cute hamster, D.J. Doc Roc, and his Hip Hop team rapping the facts.  I think that I might start the day with this video each morning as my students are getting settled.  As they are methodically unpacking and getting out homework, organizing for their day, etc., they will be hearing the facts repeated over and over to the beat of a cool hip-hop rap.  I know it will be engaging and I can't wait!

Do you want your own copy?  You can get one, too.  Starting today, Educents is promoting this video at a discounted rate.  Click on the any of the pictures on this post and you will be directed to their site.

(I didn't get paid for this promotion, but I did receive the videos for this review.)  I do strongly support Educents for many reasons.  Not only am I benefiting with great deals for my classroom, but I am able to shop for my own children and for my nephews and god daughter.  If you haven't jumped on board the Educents train, you might want to consider it!  

Monday Made It {June 24}

Welcome to another Monday!  I'm not sure if it makes me happy, or oh, so sad.  If only the time wasn't ticking away.  The good news is, I have a lot of great ideas to go find today at Tara's linky!!
Last week, and continuing into this week, I have been busy getting ready for my daughter's 16th birthday!  What?  #wheredidthetimego?

Most of my "Made Its" this week are all home/party made-its.
Interested in a tutorial?  Here you go:
The second thing I have is also for my daughter's sweet 16.  I'm hoping she won't read this (she won't), because this part is a surprise.  I'm going to have a Sweet 16 Candy Bar.  Have you heard of those?  Basically it's a candy-fest so they can get all jacked up on sugar before the pool party.  Yep, mother of the year, folks.  I wanted cute displays for the candy dishes, but didn't want to spend a lot of money. So, I made some.  

Want a tutorial for that, too?  Sure:

Both of those pieces were bought at the dollar store.  So, for these 3 candy dishes, I only spent $6.  Yay!  

Now off to blog stalk all of Tara's link ups to see what I need to be making :)

By the way, that cute font in the pictures above is from A Cupcake for the Teacher.  

Optimum Organization {June 22}

Hey everyone!  I hope you have had a nice week.  I spent 3 days in training.  And as much of a drag as that can sometimes be, I really enjoyed myself this week!  I was in mentor training and it was a lot of fun.  Even if I am not a mentor next year, I learned a lot of methods and strategies that I can use in my very own classroom next year.

Welcome to this week's party:

If you'd like to link up with us, grab the button above and share either an organizational idea or an organizational find.  You can join the party on Kristen's blog or mine...it's all the same party so come on over!
Now on to my ideas for the week.

I know that this is a re-run for a few of you who caught it on Monday.  But, in case you are like me and sometimes miss some of the posts for the week, here it is again:

I am so excited about it.  I know that my desk top will not have that never-ending stack!  I'm also going to be able to scale down the area next to my table (which feels rather claustrophobic) because of that last drawer: File.  I'm actually going to move the hanging file that I usually keep my students' papers (notes from home, discipline notes, excuses, etc.) away from my table area.  I usually only throw those papers on the top of the hanging file anyway and "file" when I have some time.  So now, instead of being thrown on top (and look oh-so-messy), I'll throw them in the bottom drawer until I have time to "file" them.  

One more organizational tip for the week:

Do you have/ hoard a lot of digital papers and clip art?  Yes, I'm talking to YOU.  Do not be ashamed.  I am guilty, too.  I bought so many digital papers on the last Sassy Designs 25 cent sale that I spent almost $20. {Oh, please Lord don't let my husband ever see this post.}  So how in the world can I possibly know what I have?  It's easy.  I took screenshots of the open folder.  Now, when I'm looking for a certain color, I can scan through the images to know what folder to open.  This is what one "folder" would look like:

What you see above it is a png image created using my favorite screenshot creator: Jing.  You can also just use your snipping tool (on any PC with at least Windows 7, I think- just go to your computer accessories).  Personally, I prefer downloading Jing to my computer because the little sun sits at the top of my screen ready to capture anything I need.  So, when I had the above folder, Sassy Designs "Andersen", open, these are the thumbnail images.  So, I took a screenshot of that and saved it to my "Sassy Designs Digital Papers" folder.
This is the entire folder (well, a clip of the top portion of the entire open folder):

So, let's say I was looking for a pale blue color that complimented pinks.  Then, I'd probably head to the SD_Audrey folder first instead of the SD_Aquamarine because I can see in this png image that the blues in the Audrey file compliment pinks.

Does that may any sense at all?  I'm hoping that I can add a video tutorial soon. {On my summer to-do list!}

Anyway, those are my two organizational tips for this week.  I hope you can use one or maybe even both of them.  Before I go....one more picture:

I'll be doing this at about 9:00 p.m. tonight.  Say a little prayer for me :)  I'm running/walking with my daughter and my son.  If you follow me on Instagram, I'll probably be posting some pictures.  Follow me by clicking on the picture below:

Link up below!  I can't wait to read more of what you all are finding/doing to stay/get organized!  Thanks everyone for joining us :)

Monday Made It {June 17th}

One week down....that's so sad :(  I know that some of you are still in school so you are like, "Whatever."  But you will soon understand my frustration.  I didn't really accomplish jack-diddly.  And that unnerves me.  A lot.  Anyway, I'm going to try to be better this week.  So, here goes....
Let me start by saying that this is totally not my idea at all.  I've seen several of my bloggy friends making these.  I first saw Rachel at The Tattooed Teacher (y'all I've met her in real life and she is as cool as you think she is) make these and then our good friend Tara did, too.  And, if last year's toolbox success (link here) is any indication of what this can be, then I am like, "Bring it!"  So, I did.

But, you know me...I'm so OCD that my daughter and I call it CDO because that would make it right.  {Get it?}  Therefore, I needed it to be all matchy-matchy to my room.  Here's my version.  Before you look, I realize that I broke the whole "CDO" persona.  But, it is in the order of importance to me, so I guess that really does make me a little bit OCD.  Or not.  Whatever.

And the best part is...I finally made it.  I had that on my list all week last week and it kept getting put to the side for other things.

Would you like a copy?  If this style and these colors suit you, head on over to my store to check it out.  You can now download an editable file that you can customize your own drawers.

Now, off to blog stalk all of Tara's link ups to find out what I'll be working on this week :)

Aaargh You a Pirate? {Chapters 1-3}

Have you started reading this book yet?
I am absolutely loving Teach Like a Pirate by Dave Burgess.
Sadly, I am behind in linking up with each chapter because I've been running around like crazy.  But, today I am going to link up my thoughts on Chapters 1-3.
I've actually read the entire book already.  I couldn't put it down.  I found myself head-nodding on every single page. If you haven't started reading this book yet {go get it now}, I'd like to share with you why I love the entire book.
#1 This book is written by a current teacher.  Dave Burgess is a high school teacher that is practicing what he is preaching.
#2 The purpose of this book is to provide teachers with tips on how to increase student engagement while boosting their own creativity.  I'm all about finding something that will engage my students.
#3 Dave Burgess is practicing what he is preaching.  Oh wait, I said that already.  But, really it's pretty impressive.  He also doesn't claim to know all of the answers and doesn't give off the vibe that everything in is book will work magically in your classroom.  He's realistic and shares tips and ideas that can work as long as the teachers reading the book look within themselves to find the creativity that is there and use it to the benefit of all students.

There are three parts to this book:
Part 1: Teach Like a Pirate
Part 2: Crafting Engaging Lessons
Part 3: Building a Better Pirate

In Part 1, it is broken down the the meaning of each letter of the word "PIRATE"~Passion, Immersion, Rapport, Ask and Analyze, Transformation, Enthusiasm

Today, {since I am late to the party}, I will be sharing my thoughts on Passion, Immersion and Rapport

Chapter 1: Passion
Like I said before, Dave Burgess is realistic.  He says, "Here is the secret:  We are not passionate about everything we teach."  And he's right.  We can't possibly LOVE every single standard that we are required to teach.  There are three components of passion in the classroom: content passion, professional passion and personal passion.  How do we show passion about fractions, for example?  In all reality, how can I possibly be that passionate about any of the math standards?  Simple. I rely on the other two components.  I rely on professional and personal passion.  Why did I become a teacher in the first place?  It certainly wasn't to become rich.  I wanted to foster a love for learning (personal passion).  This past year, it was by fostering a love for learning math.  I never in my wildest imagination thought I would only be teaching math. But, I want to bring that love of learning into my classroom.  It is through my delivery of the standards that my students can become passionate about learning math.  If I make it as fun and exciting as I can, they will be more engaged and enthusiastic about learning math.

Chapter 2: Immersion
Dave Burgess explains immersion with the following analogy:  Are you a lifeguard or a swimmer?  Do you sit on the sidelines in your classroom, or do you jump right in with your students and swim along?  I want to be that second example.  I want to be able to "give myself up to the moment" as he suggestions and be truly present in their learning.  It's simple, really.  In my opinion it is all about being a facilitator to learning rather than just a plain old director.  Again, it goes back to truly fostering a love for learning...the process of learning...and not just the outcome.  I will "be there".  Will you?

Chapter 3: Rapport
How do we build a solid rapport with our students so that they are as committed to their own learning as much as we are committed to "making them learn"?  Simple.  It's all about engagement.  One of the things that I try to do is build a relationship with my students from day one. So, when I read about Dave's Day 1, 2 and 3 lessons, I couldn't have nodded my head more ferociously.  Seriously.  My head about popped off.  Last year, I wrote an article for Really Good Stuff explaining what I do to build rapport with my students starting on day one.  This article sums up my belief that building that rapport is crucial to establishing the type of relationship I want with my students.  Please read the article {here} if interested :)

If you haven't already purchased this book, I highly recommend it. I'll be back with some more of my thoughts on the book later.  Consider linking up with Gina or Jennifer.  If you go to their blogs (click on their names), you will find a list of other bloggers who are reading the book and can read more about their thoughts, too.  
Argh!! :)

Optimum Organization {June 15}

So sorry!  I'm a little late to my own party.  I spent the last few days with my girl.  We went down to Charleston to visit the College of Charleston (my Alma mater).  Yikes.  If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that my newest hashtag is #wheredidthetimego. (Join me @elizabethsupan.  I changed it from Fun in Room 4B because I found that I was posting pictures of everything in my life, not just blog stuff.) I'm sure I will be using that hashtag a lot over the next two years.  She'll be a junior next year and well.....sad face.

But, better late than never, right?

If you'd like to link up with us, grab the button above and share either an organizational idea or an organizational find.  You can join the party on Kristen's blog or mine...it's all the same party so come on over!
Now on to my idea for the week.

I have an organizational find for you.  Last week, when shopping for the container to make my "File/Copy/Grade" container (That's going to be my Monday Made It this week), I came across these bins at Target.  Oh, Target.  How I love thee!  {And then at the same time....not so much.}  At least they were on sale!

These bins are essentially covered trays.  You know, like paper trays.  I can put a lot of papers in there.  Like a lot.  But, actually, what I'm thinking of using them for is to store my math "Hands On" materials. I bought one bin for each of my 4 groups.

Last year, I had this system:

Each group had a shelf.  So, in the picture above Group 1 had two tubs and a basket.  Yeah, that lasted for about a minute.  Maybe two.  As my students were scrambling to put away their materials as I was counting down to "rotate" to their next station, they would just shove them in whatever tub they could come to quickly.  I totally get that.  I probably would have done the same thing.  So this year, the new green tubs are large enough to hold all of my games, a few dry erase boards (markers and erasers, too), and a few task cards.  I can still differentiate the tubs according to the needs of the students by placing the materials in there appropriate for that particular group.

Oh, and yes, I will be making cute labels for them as soon as I can wash the sand off of my feet and unpack.

Yep, tomorrow.

Link up below!  I can't wait to read more of what you all are finding/doing to stay/get organized!  Thanks everyone for joining us :)

Monday Made It {June 10th}

I'm linking up with Tara for the summer series of Monday Made It :)
I'm officially on summer vacation and had high hopes of bringing you a lot this week...but, sadly, no.  Instead, I only have one home and one school related "Made Its" to show you.  First, I'll start with my home made it.

So, my friend, Tara, is a super gardener.  She's inspiring me to be better.  For my home Made It, I planted some ivy in a pretty iron basket under my kitchen sink.  I'm hoping that I don't kill this before the end of the summer.  {I'll keep you posted.}
For my school Made It, I created these baskets for Box Tops and Campbell's Soup Labels.  When my students bring them in to class, we put them in a basket to save until we go to either Library (Box Tops) or P.E. (Campbell's).  I used these cute baskets all last year and the system worked.  Now, they are somewhat pretty, too :)  They'll be even prettier with my fancy ribbon...but guess what?  I left all of my ribbon at school.  Looks like a school trip is in my future.  But, I knew that already because I have a huge to do list for my organization link up this week!
You can grab these labels for yourself (from Google Drive) by clicking on the picture below:

All you have to do to snag it for yourself is to click-File-Download and it's yours if you want it.

Head on over to my friend Tara's place and check out all of the awesome things that you will be busy making this summer.

Optimum Organization Linky...June 8th

Hey everyone!  It's my first real day of summer.  Yay!  I know that several of you are still pluggin' along.  You can do it, you can do it, you can do it :)

Welcome to the next weekly installment of the Optimum Organization Linky Party.  Kristen and I are so glad you are here and hope that you can link up with us this week.  This linky will be up all week beginning today.  So, if you can't join us today, feel free to link up all week long.  We will post a new linky each Saturday all summer long.
Would you like to join us? 
Here are the steps...
1. Write a blog post about one or both of the following:
An Organizational Idea
This can be something that you've used in the past that has worked well, or something you are developing this summer for next year. One idea is fine, as this will be a weekly linky party.
An Organizational Find
Share a find you scored when shopping this summer (binders, bins, folders, containers, magnetic boards, etc.) that will make a huge difference in your classroom organization and management.
2. Grab a button for your blog post:

3. Link on up! You can join the party on Kristen's blog or mine...it's all the same party so come on over!
4. The Fine Print! We do have a couple of rules for this linky, as shown below. 
The purpose of this linky party is to provide new and veteran teachers a chance to come together and share ideas on how to get organized for a new school year.  Please join us and share your advice and expertise, but not links to products please.  Please share new posts in which you are participating in the party, not links to older posts or labels on your blog.  Thanks so much for understanding!

Now on to my ideas for the week.  These are simple again seeing as I was knee deep in "end of the year chaos" last week.

But, I found this:

I found it in the dollar bin at Target.  It's a notepad and has just enough pages to get me through the summer. I really want to stick to my list this summer and I hope that this helps me stay organized and get things done :)

Another organizational tool that I'm going to share is my love for Dropbox.

At the end of the year we are always asked at my school to back up all of our data "just in case".  I'm a little paranoid about keeping all of my files in one spot. (Several computer crashes later...)  So, in addition to keeping my files on my computer and on an external hard drive, I now keep most of my files in my Dropbox account.

Have you heard of Dropbox?  If not this is my "Organizational Find" of the day for you!

Basically it is a shared directory in the sky.  You can share folders with other people, too.  For example, I have two shared folders that I use all of the time.  I have a "Fourth Grade" file where we keep all things related to all of us in 4th grade.  Back to school files, end of the year files...basically anything that we share.  Then, I have a "Fourth Grade Math" file where the two teachers who teach math (me and my math partner in crime) keep all files that we share for math: videos, my lapbook files, notes, all foldables, etc.
I started using Dropbox last summer and it has been a life saver.  I can access all of the files where ever I go...my computer at school, my laptop at home, my iPad, my iPhone...it's awesome!  You should check it out. Just click on the picture above and you can go through a tour to find out more.  Just click on "Take a tour" once you get to the page.

So there you have it...two basic organizational ideas for this week. Next week, I hope to show you more since I'm officially on Summer Break!

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Monday Made It~ June 3rd

It might not be officially summertime for me, but I'm linking up with Tara for the summer series of Monday Made It :)
So, since it's my first summertime link up...this post is all about being glad it's {almost} summer.
I'm giving these treats to my son's teachers on Thursday.  {Luckily, I don't think any of them are readers of this here blog...and if they are, well, "Surprise"!}
I started off by finding the cute little orange slices at Coley's Corner.  {Click here for the free tag!}
I printed them, and used my fancy circle cutter (a fabulous find last summer) to cut them all within seconds.  OK, maybe not seconds...but it was pretty fast.
 Then, I punched a tiny hole in the top center.  That hole puncher is another of my favorite things.  Much like Oprah, but way cheaper than any of her favorite things.  It punches a little bitty hole that allows ribbon to stay in place and the tag stays snug.
Attached to the precious card is a cool orange/mango flavored water and a bag of goldfish.  Nothing fancy.  But, it's the thought, right?
Now, next Monday will officially be "summer" for me.  So, I'm hoping to see you next week with more than just a dinky teacher gift.  Hopefully.  That is unless the pool calls........
Head on over to my friend Tara's place and check out all of the awesome things that you will be busy making this summer.