Rock N' Learn DVDs on Educents

A few months ago, I shared the start of Educents, a "Groupon-like" website just for education {here}.  If you haven't heard of it, you might want to check it out (click on the picture below):

A few weeks ago, I was contacted to review a set of DVDs and I am so glad that I said yes!
Last year, we decided to start the year reviewing multiplication fact fluency.  Several of my students told me about a video their third grade teacher had used to help them learn their facts.  I even borrowed the video for a few days to help.  It was a good video, but I think I found a replacement.  No, scratch that, I KNOW that I found a replacement:
We will start the year with the Multiplication Rap DVD and move from there to the other two DVDs.  I am a firm believer in teaching with music.  I have learned that using music helps students make better connections to prior knowledge and it helps with memory.  Several times throughout the year, I would see my students singing songs that I had taught them while they were completing a test to help them recall how to complete a math problem.  Music works!  It's like that catchy little jingle you can't get out of your head.  But with education embedded within.  Score!

Look at that funky little hamster on the front cover of the two rap videos!  I mean, who wouldn't watch that? There are 12 different rap songs included on the multiplication video and all are very engaging.  There is a ten minute video that explains how multiplication is like a personal magic show and gives great visuals of what happens when numbers are multiplied.  I think I will introduce my unit with this brief video.
The rest of the DVD is filled with the cute hamster, D.J. Doc Roc, and his Hip Hop team rapping the facts.  I think that I might start the day with this video each morning as my students are getting settled.  As they are methodically unpacking and getting out homework, organizing for their day, etc., they will be hearing the facts repeated over and over to the beat of a cool hip-hop rap.  I know it will be engaging and I can't wait!

Do you want your own copy?  You can get one, too.  Starting today, Educents is promoting this video at a discounted rate.  Click on the any of the pictures on this post and you will be directed to their site.

(I didn't get paid for this promotion, but I did receive the videos for this review.)  I do strongly support Educents for many reasons.  Not only am I benefiting with great deals for my classroom, but I am able to shop for my own children and for my nephews and god daughter.  If you haven't jumped on board the Educents train, you might want to consider it!  


  1. Very the cute funky hamster! :)
    Still on for Thursday?
    Creating Lifelong Learners

  2. WOW, thanks for sharing I love songs/videos that get the kids excited about learning. I usually try to find YOUTUBE videos that do the same…I'm going to have to look into these dvds!!
    -Lovely Nina

  3. I have used the multiplication CD. I think it's country music or something. The kids really like it. Haven't pulled it out in a while, so I might try pulling it out again. I'm going to check into the rap DVDs, my kids might like that one better. Thanks for sharing!!


  4. Oooooo, this looks great! I'm headed over to check it out! I love that there are some for fractions and decimals as well! Awesome!

    Thank you!
    Collaboration Cuties

  5. Looks fun!! Do you think it's too "kid-ish" for 6th graders?? Don't get me wrong, I have no problem sharing corny videos/music with kids that think they're too cool for it, just want to know your thoughts before I spend the money. Thanks!


  6. These videos look great and any tricks or tips on helping students learn their facts is helpful. Thanks, going to look into these!
